Exploring the Depths of Photography: A Look at Roland Barthes, “Camera Lucida”

Photography Theory

Roland Barthes is a canonical author on the subject of photography. Anyone aspiring to be an artist, rather than just a “snapper,” should familiarize themselves with his work. I personally regret that this reading was recommended to me so late (by the way, by my professor at PJATK, Mr. Prof. Tomasz Myjak, whom I warmly greet here).

In this text, we will deal with Roland Barthes’ last book entirely dedicated to photography, “Camera Lucida”. We will analyze two concepts introduced by Barthes in this book: “studium” and “punctum”. Of course, one article cannot replace a book, and I recommend all enthusiasts of the field of photography to read the entire book (which is not long).

Roland Barthes undertakes an analysis of the subjective way each of us perceives photography. He is a “spectator” who consumes photos and seeks the truth about photography in human reactions to it. He notes that … Read the rest “Exploring the Depths of Photography: A Look at Roland Barthes, “Camera Lucida””

Modernist Tear


It was nearing midnight when I continued scouring the web in search of contact information for the residential community. I stumbled upon a place where allegedly a beautiful, modernist staircase was located, and I was eager to capture it in photographs. As a rule, I don’t like to enter someone’s space without permission, as it is quite impolite. I, as a resident, would feel strange if a stranger came to my apartment building and started taking pictures. Well, it has happened that I entered without asking, but I generally try to avoid it.

Typically, I check if the place I’m interested in has any companies based there. For example, in tenements, it’s quite common. I then write an email asking for permission, and there is usually no problem with that. But here, there was nothing. Moreover, the staircase was in a modern, “luxurious” building constructed in the 1930s.

“So there’s … Read the rest “Modernist Tear”