Modernist Tear


It was nearing midnight when I continued scouring the web in search of contact information for the residential community. I stumbled upon a place where allegedly a beautiful, modernist staircase was located, and I was eager to capture it in photographs. As a rule, I don’t like to enter someone’s space without permission, as it is quite impolite. I, as a resident, would feel strange if a stranger came to my apartment building and started taking pictures. Well, it has happened that I entered without asking, but I generally try to avoid it.

Typically, I check if the place I’m interested in has any companies based there. For example, in tenements, it’s quite common. I then write an email asking for permission, and there is usually no problem with that. But here, there was nothing. Moreover, the staircase was in a modern, “luxurious” building constructed in the 1930s.

“So there’s … Read the rest “Modernist Tear”